Cassandra's Life Part 1

I been thinking about how I want to do my blog and I been thinking about topics to write about for my blog and it's been really hard not gonna lie so I just thought about writing about my life. It will be really easy to write about I will be writing everything about my life like what I did or what I'm gonna do. I'm not gonna lie my life isn't that exciting to talk or read about but I want my blog to be about my life and I wish I thought about it sooner and I wish I started a blog when I was a teenager but I didn't so I'm starting it now and I'm learning to start writing on my blog. I just got my schedule down for my blog and I still forget to post an article for my blog which means I need to remember to write an article before the day that I'm suppose to post on my blog.

So here's about my life so far that is going on okay so my husband and I got married in 2013 and we want to start a family a year later so we got pregnant in 2014 but it ended up to be a ectopic pregnancy so I went to the doctor cause I was bleeding heavy and they did a ultrasound and that's where they found out that it's a ectopic pregnancy so they had to give me a shot to miscarry. I was keeping it inside and didn't cry or show any signs about how I was feeling about the whole thing but deep down inside I was really sad and wanted to cry cause we lost our baby.

In 2015 we got pregnant again for the second time and the pregnancy was doing really good but I been having trouble with my hormones levels that year cause it wouldn't stay up like it should. So when I went to the doctor to do the blood test they got the blood test back on the same day and they called me and told me that my hormones level is dropping and that I lost the baby so that year it was a early miscarriage and I was crying really really hard.

So we took a long break from trying to have our own little family and then when 2017 came we wanna try again. So I went to a doctor that does pregnancy and he discribe me clomid to help me get pregnant. Clomid is a fertility pills that helps you get pregnant if your having trouble getting pregnant like I was. On the first round of clomid I got pregnant and that pregnancy was doing really good until I started to be in pain. 

One night I was so much in pain that it woke me up and I was having trouble walking that's how bad the pain was. So my sister woke up cause she heard me crying really hard and I told her about how I'm in pain so she woke up my husband and he came where I was at and ask me what's wrong so I told him and then he got ready and help me to the car so that we can go to the hospital. 

When we got to the hospital we checked me in and then they took me to a room and the nurse came in and ask me what's going on and also she does the nurse thing where she check your heart rate and all that stuff. After she was done she said that the doctor will be in shortly so we waited for awhile and the doctor finally came in and I told him what was going on so he wanted to do a ultrasound and after the doctor left I had to wait for somebody to come get me to do the ultrasound and that didn't take that long for the person to come get me. 

After the ultrasound the person took me back in my room and they sent the ultrasound to my doctor that does my pregnancy and he wasn't available so a different doctor was filling in for him and that doctor looked at my ultrasound and found out that my left Fallopian tube bursted and that I was bleeding internally. I had to have surgery and if I didn't and continue with the pregnancy then I would lost my life as well. That was the hardest year out of the rest of the years I been emotional ever since. So the next thing that we are gonna do for us to have our own little family is to start the IVF. The IVF is short for In-Vitro Fertilization and that cost a lot of money that we have to save up for. We almost have the money for it so that we can start it soon I'm hoping to either start it at the end of this year or towards the beginning of next year that's my goal right now.

Well that is what happening in my life right now and You should come on this journey with us so that you won't miss out on what's happening to us so stay tuned.


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