What Happen In Our Life So Far

I been so busy these past few months with my YouTube Channel and haven't had time to blog. Okay well towards the end of February my husband and I bought a car and we was really happy about it and we really love our car and still love it.

 On top of that we are saving money for the IVF so that we can have a family of our own and with the IVF it cost a lot of money and it sometimes don't work but we actually hope that it will work for us cause we want kids. Also we are trying to buy a house as well and we can't wait cause our life is looking better then before. We are really excited and can't wait for those two things that is coming up soon. 

We are also talking about going on trips to places that we never been to yet but for that to happen we are waiting until the covid-19 fades away cause we wanna be able to do stuff but we can't cause the covid-19 is ruining everything for us. Everywhere you go you have to wear masks and we don't like wearing them at all cause it bugs.

 We want everything to go back to normal so that we can do stuff that we wanna do without worrying about wearing masks and go on a vacation without worrying what state has the higher case of the covid-19. Since I been really busy with my YouTube Channel it's cause I finally got it monetized at the end of April so I have a little business going on. 

I would like to get my blog going and stay constant with it like I am with my YouTube Channel but let's kinda face it I'm not that good on blogging. I would love to make my blog really good and start blogging about my life but I'm not really good at blogging which is really sad for me cause I created my blog and want to start blogging cause it's basically like a Journal but online where everybody can read it and I really really like my blog and want to keep doing it. 

Then I created my YouTube Channel a couple years ago and started to set my schedule for that and staying constant with it which I'm doing really good at and I wish I can start doing that for my blog but I just can't cause it's kinda hard to blog. I been thinking about setting my schedule for my blog and try to stay constant with it like I am with my YouTube Channel. 

Maybe I can stay constant with my blog if I can believe in myself that I can do it and stop telling myself that I can't do it and that might be able to work after all. I been having a hard time believeing in myself when I want to do something like this but I know deep down that I can believe in myself that I can do anything that I set my mind to.

 Everytime I want to do something like this I always end up quiting and everybody around me know that I'm a quiter and I'm tired of quitting and everybody don't believe in me that I can do it. Well I'm gonna start believeing in myself that I can do anything so that way I can start doing stuff that I want to do and know that I can do it. Yay for me😊


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