5 Things Super Organized People Do Before Noon

 Staying organized isn't just a preference for some; it's a lifestyle that cultivates efficiency, clarity, and a serenity that many strive to achieve. Organized individuals often share common habits that not only streamline their days but also enhance their overall productivity and peace of mind. Let's delve into the five quintessential morning rituals that exemplify the discipline of highly organized individuals.

Learn how to stay organized daily

  • Make their bed every morning.
  • Clean up the kitchen after use.
  • Put away clothes instead of leaving them out.

1. They make their bed.

Every morning, without fail, organized people start their day by making their bed. This might seem like a trivial task to some, but it sets the tone for the entire day. A made bed is a small accomplishment, and it's often said that it gives people a small sense of pride and encourages them to keep going and accomplish more throughout the day.

In my own experience, the days I make my bed are noticeably more productive. The act seems to send a signal to my brain saying, "Sleep time is over, and now it’s time to get things done." According to a survey mentioned in Gretchen Rubin's book, "Better Than Before", 71% of people who make their bed consider themselves happy, while 62% of non-bed-makers admit to being unhappy. Bed-makers are also reported to enjoy their jobs more and exercise regularly, which speaks volumes about the ripple effect of this simple task.

Insider Tip: Invest in bedding that you love. The more inviting your bed looks, the more likely you are to make it every morning!

2. They clean up their kitchen.

A clean kitchen is the heart of an organized home. Super organized individuals tend to clean their kitchen as part of their morning routine, often right after breakfast. This isn’t just about doing the dishes; it involves wiping down counters, putting away any leftover items from breakfast, and ensuring that everything is in its rightful place.

Having a clean kitchen helps in reducing stress and saves time later in the day. For instance, when you start preparing dinner in a tidy kitchen, you’re more focused and efficient. Personally, I find that an uncluttered kitchen also inspires me to prepare healthier meals, as the space becomes more welcoming and less chaotic.

3. They put away their clothes.

Organized people have a habit of immediately putting away their clothes, whether it's the outfit from the previous day or pajamas after getting dressed. Clothes can easily become a source of clutter, and leaving them out can create a sense of unmanaged chaos that can spill over into the feel of the entire day.

From my own practices, I’ve noticed that just spending a few minutes to hang clothes or put them in the laundry basket makes a huge difference. This not only keeps the bedroom tidy but also makes it easier to find things later. It’s a simple step that supports sustained organization throughout the home.

4. They make a to-do list.

Before the day officially starts, highly organized people often take a moment to outline their tasks for the day. Making a to-do list is crucial; it acts as a roadmap for what needs to be accomplished. This can be done digitally or on paper, but the act of listing tasks helps in prioritizing and allocating time effectively.

I’ve always found that my days are more productive when I start them by creating a detailed to-do list. It helps me focus on my priorities without wasting time on trivial decisions. Furthermore, the satisfaction of crossing out completed tasks provides a motivational boost throughout the day.

Insider Tip: Use a method like the Eisenhower Box to prioritize your tasks. It helps in distinguishing between what is urgent and what is important.

Real-life Example: Sarah's Morning Routine

Sarah, a busy working professional, used to struggle with feeling overwhelmed by the chaos in her home every morning. She found it hard to kickstart her day on a positive note. After reading about the habits of super organized people, she decided to make some changes.

Sarah's Success Story

Every morning, Sarah started making her bed as soon as she woke up. This small task gave her a sense of accomplishment and set a productive tone for the day ahead. By taking the time to clean up her kitchen before leaving for work, she returned to a tidy space in the evening, making dinner preparations a breeze.

Putting away her clothes became a daily ritual, eliminating clutter and saving her time searching for outfits. Sarah's new habit of making a to-do list helped her prioritize tasks and stay focused throughout the day. Taking just a few minutes to tidy up her living space before heading out left her feeling calm and organized.

Sarah's commitment to these simple yet effective habits transformed her mornings, making her days more manageable and less stressful.

5. They take a few minutes to tidy up their living space.

Lastly, taking a few minutes each morning to tidy up the living area is a common habit among organized people. This might include straightening cushions, picking up books or toys, or a quick sweep of the floors. This not only improves the appearance of the home but also enhances the living environment, making it more pleasant and conducive to productivity.

In my home, this brief tidying session not only clears the physical space but also clears my mind, setting a calm, organized tone for the day. It’s amazing how such a simple activity can have such a profound effect on your daily mindset.

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For those who are inspired to further enhance their organizational skills, exploring deeper into specific techniques and tools can be beneficial. Whether it’s adopting new technology to keep your tasks in check, or learning from organizational gurus who offer workshops and books, there’s a wealth of resources available for those looking to refine their approach to daily organization.

In conclusion, the habits of super organized people are not just about cleanliness or tidiness; they are about cultivating a disciplined lifestyle that fosters efficiency and peace of mind. Adopting these habits doesn't require monumental changes, but rather, small consistent actions that lead to significant benefits over time. Whether you're looking to overhaul your daily routine or simply make your mornings a little smoother, these five practices are a solid foundation for anyone aiming to enhance their organizational skills.


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